Thursday, June 5, 2008

Friday's Find

This gal is a HOOT!! And as a former Southerner, I don't use that term lightly! Her blog is "Nesting Place" and has fabulous decorating ideas that are cheap and practical--and look like a million bucks!! Here's a link for ya:
Nesting Place Blog
She also has an Etsy shop and there are all of these amazing tassles. Really, really cool tassles. Oooooh, the places I could hang them!!
Here's the tassle I want.

OK, I just checked and after she posted on her blog about the tassles, all but one from today SOLD!! Look under "other itmes" and click on the number of sales she's had to see the other beauties. Maybe she'll make more!!
Here's the link:
Nesting Place on Etsy
Check her out--you'll get a good laugh and probably some fun ideas for a weekend project, too!!

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