Monday, April 20, 2009


At the end of pregnancy, you need a lot of distractions so you can think about something other than your discomfort, how much time you have left and whether every twinge is the start of labor.

Friday, I sent out an all-call, asking my friends to come hang out for a lil' Girls' Night In. We watched girly movies, did facials and manicures, ate snacks and just enjoyed being together.

Soaking my feet. Andrew had to join in.

The girls, watching "Enchanted."

Me with my virgin lemon drop martini.

Then Saturday, my mom, Andrew and I met my brother and his family at a beautiful park near their home in north Phoenix.

Nana and Andrew, looking for bass in the pond.

A picnic.

Lovin' on Mama.

Feeding the ducks.

Train ride.

Playground fun.

And M&Ms before the drive home!

Now my hubby is out of town for four days and three nights, to I'm trying to keep myself occupied until he returns. My mom is staying with us every night, partly to keep me company and partly for the "just in case." Tonight is Bunco and tomorrow night I go to our home group, so it's just a matter of staying busy during the day while resting as much as possible. Phew! It's hard work, having this much fun! :)

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