Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #17

Read more entries over at

Living To Tell The Story

1. One ridiculously happy, content, ADORABLE baby....

...and a big brother who obviously adores him.

2. One-on-one time with Big Brother, who is evidently tired of seeing the camera out all the time. See the animals I made??? I'm pretty proud.

I do treasure time with Andrew these days and have to remind myself that he still needs some snuggle and play time with Mom, despite how independent he is! I need it, too...he is my baby, after all.

3. My friend who came over to watch Big Brother while I went out to have blood work done, then showed me how she makes blondies. YUM! She even washed some dishes for me!! So sweet.

4. An order for 17 robot-themed birthday cards for a friend got me back into "crafty mode." It was fun to get back into the card-making groove!

5. Day after day of fun play-dates...BECAUSE A FRIEND FROM CHURCH LOANED US THEIR VAN FOR THREE WEEKS! When I prayed last week for a van, I should've been more specific! :) We desperately need another vehicle but it's funny how God provides in the meantime!! Andrew loooves riding around town in the van and going new places with his baby brother.

We are so blessed! Hope you all had a terrific week as well!!


Barbara H. said...

What sweet children! So glad they enjoy each other.

The blondies look good! And the robot cards are cute.

Pamela said...

Great post - love the second picture of your two children together - so sweet.

Jerralea said...

Great photos!

Blondies are one of my favorites. It's great your friend helped with clean-up, that's definitely a fave in my book.

Karyn said...

A post FULL of blessing.

A happy baby is a precious gift.

sounds like you have some great friends!

Suburban Girl said...

A very sweet list!

Susanne said...

I cannot believe how much your little guys seems to have grown all ready! Both your boys are adorable. You must be very proud!

Willow said...

What a sweet list. And sweet little boys. I can see that you treasure each day.

Anonymous said...

You amaze me! You still find time to blog, make desserts, craft, and take care of 2 adorable kids. I hope you know I'm taking notes:)
Jen P