Looks like I never have outgrown loving pink.
I believe this was my 9th birthday, 1986, judging from the house we were living in and the friends I had. Plus I was entering that awkward/chubby pre-teen phase. Hoo-ee!
For my 9th, we went GOOFY GOLFING!! I recognize these friends as Christina, Joy, Amber and Cheryl. We were so little (but I was, as always, the tallest)!

Here's me, seriously contemplating my next shot. I bet my loved ones would say I still take on this pose frequently, with the one hand on the hip.
I have to point out the jeans, of course. Acid washed and seriously pleated, baby! I still remember that sweater--a little itchy! But it made me feel grown-up because my mom and her friends wore similar ones, with the poofy sleeves and the band around the bottom. Gotta love the pink, plastic heart necklace.
And since this IS sincerely 'Fro Me, I must also bring your attention to the fuzzy, partly-grown-out perm. Did I even use mousse that day??

Here's what we returned to that day. Pink, pink and more pink!! My mom's blue country kitchen is a far cry from her current one! See the fake chicken hanging in the window?? Anyone else have one of those??

And here's my BIG present! A pink and purple bike!! I remember getting a lot of use out of this bike, until I got a bigger and better beach cruiser for Christmas 1989.

I couldn't NOT throw this one in. He will remain nameless to protect, y'know...total humiliation. But the back of the picture says he's "the 'cool' golfer." Mm-hmm.
Now, you tell me...out of all the folks pictured, his is the best 'fro, yes?? :) The shorts, the sunglasses, the chicken legs...classic. Totally classic.

I hope you enjoyed revisiting my 9th birthday!! Next week's installment is a real doozy!!

Oh, gotta love that PINK bike!
LOLOLOL ... Oh MAN. The 80's were NOT good on ANYONE! lol HAHAHA That sweater and those jeans are really cracking me up. Man, if ONLY I knew where some of my pictures from the 80's were! lol
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