The "this is..." meme originated (as best I can tell) with
I love these!!!!
Here we go.
:: striped Ralph Lauren cosmetic bag full of all my "looking good essentials" (I hope you didn't want to see what's in there--WOW, it takes a lot!!)
:: samples of my new blog banner to show my mom
:: two tiny hair clips
:: nylon footies from trying on shoes at Naturalizer, oh, a month ago??
:: my name badge and my son's name badge from church--oops, we're supposed to leave those!
:: six pens
:: my checkbook (it needs an Etsy cover, preferably Amy Butler fabric, huh?)
:: my striped notebook--I always have a notebook with me
:: a lip gloss sample
:: Fossil zebra-print wallet
:: two Dove dark chocolates (I was going to give them away at church a while back)
:: a roll of film, I have no idea of what--I haven't taken non-digital pictures since 2005!
:: two orders for my jewelry biz customers to fill at the showroom this week and deliver to Chandler
:: oh, and the bag itself is the one my jewelry biz gives us when we sign up to display the jewelry--I added pretty paper to jazz it up
Anyone who reads this who wants to participate--go ahead! Just leave a comment so I can check out YOUR handbag! :)
Welcome to 'This is...' and thank you for letting me peek into your bag of goodness! : )
I will be popping your blog link onto my 'This is' blog roll, next week is 'This is my knick knack/jewellery box'
hello!! i just found your blog! i love reading blogs, i am! LOL!
strides shane mortgage hostility adlit responses reasons simvacor signaturesi semta techdis
lolikneri havaqatsu
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